Obtaining a Barcode for Your Magazine

Publishing a magazine? You definitely need a barcode on the cover for streamlined sales and tracking. A barcode, made up of unique numbers and lines, is easily scanned to reveal product details. When it comes to magazines, barcodes simplify inventory management and track sales effectively. Let's dive into why you should secure a barcode for your magazine and the straightforward process to get one. 

magazine issn barcodes

What exactly is a magazine barcode and do you really need it?

A magazine barcode typically uses the EAN-13 (or EAN-13+2) format, containing 13 digits derived from the 8-digit ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) of the magazine. Sometimes, a 2-digit extension is added to indicate the issue number (e.g., 01 for the first issue).

ISSN magazine barcode example

What's an ISSN?

An ISSN is a unique 8-digit code assigned to serial publications like magazines. It's essential for efficient cataloguing, managing, and distributing periodicals.

You can acquire an ISSN for your magazine from the local ISSN Agency (check the International ISSN Centre website for details).

Formatted as two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen (e.g., ISSN 1234-5678), the ISSN is transformed into a 13-digit EAN-13 barcode, commonly used in retail, beginning with the prefix "977" for periodicals.

Components of a magazine barcode:

Prefix: Always starts with "977" for periodicals.

ISSN Digits: The first 7 digits of the ISSN (sans hyphen) come next.

Price Code: A 2-digit number representing the issue or magazine variant, typically 00. If the price changes, this should be updated, e.g., from 00 to 01, with a new barcode created.

Check Digit ('X'): The last digit, a check digit, ensures the barcode's integrity.

Optional: A 2-digit supplement to denote the issue number.

Example: For a magazine with ISSN 1234-5678, the EAN-13 barcode is: 977123456700X (where 'X' is the check digit). With a price change, it becomes 977123456701X.

Alternatively, the barcode could adopt the EAN-13+2 format, adding a 2-digit supplement for issue numbers (e.g., 01-12 for 12 yearly issues). Issue 1, for instance, would be 977123456700X-01.

Benefits of having a magazine barcode

Retail: Facilitates efficient scanning and sales tracking at checkouts.

Distribution: Aids in managing inventory and distribution of different issues.

Cataloging: Assists libraries, bookstores, and distributors in accurately cataloguing and managing serial collections.

How to get a barcode for your magazine

The initial step is obtaining an ISSN for your magazine from the local ISSN Agency (visit the International ISSN Centre website for details). Once you have your ISSN, you can order ISSN barcode images here. Enter your ISSN number in the 'order notes' on the checkout page (include any other details like price code or supplement digits). The barcode images will be emailed to you.

With your barcode image ready, integrate it into your magazine cover design. Ensure the barcode is clear, easily scannable, and prominently placed. This not only helps with sales and tracking but also adds a professional touch to your magazine. Test the barcode before printing to confirm it scans correctly and meets industry standards.

Obtaining a barcode for your magazine is essential for efficient tracking, sales, and visibility. Follow the steps outlined in this article and adhere to the guidelines to easily acquire a barcode for your magazine. Whether you’re a small independent publisher or a large distributor, having a barcode streamlines operations and enhances the overall reader experience.